@book{wp-seco-2024-0042-e, school = {BFS}, month = {Apr}, abstract = {In March 2024 the consumer sentiment index stood at -38 points. This is the same as in March 2023. The following sub-indices are higher than in March 2023: economic outlook and moment to make major purchases. The following sub-indices are lower than a year ago: past financial situation and financial outlook.}, language = {EN}, title = {Consumer sentiment the same as a year ago}, institution = {Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)}, publisher = {Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)}, copyright = {Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)}, number = {31285166}, url = {https://dam-api.bfs.admin.ch/hub/api/dam/assets/31285166/master} }